Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'm Sickly...

It started two days ago with crazy itchy ears. You know what I'm talking about, that way down deep itch in your ear that you can't quiet get to. Then yesterday I started getting a sore throat and today it's full on body/head aches, sore throat, itchy ears, crazy stopped up nose. All this in the middle of JULY!?!? So today I have been taking Theraflu and trying to take it easy (with the exception of taking the kids to the movies and to the red headed fox's championship softball game which they WON!), who am I kidding there is no taking it easy with two little ones running around. Hopefully I can kick whatever it is that I have and get back to my normal self in a few days but until then I hope you all have a fantastic rest of the week.



Kristie said...

Oh gosh, that is terrible! I hope you feel better soon. I have kinda had body aches kickin in today but no other symptoms. I think I am just exhausted. Take it easy!

Home Remedies said...

I couldn't agree more- thanks for articulating a lot of my own feelings that I just can't get out these days.