Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Random pieces of me today....

  • I took my Business English final today. Thankfully I passed, I didn't have much time to study so I was a little bit worried. I am sooooo so happy to be done with that class. Now I just have two more finals to go and I'll be finished for the semester!
  • I'm really not liking pollen right now. It is everywhere around here and what used to be my green jeep is now a gross yellow color. I was pulled over for a random inspection (I live on an Army post) and the guard even asked me what the color was supposed to be. Sure I could wash it, but until this pollen slows down there really isn't much of a point.
  • I love MTVs True Life and Teen Mom.
  • I went to the grocery store today childless! I haven't done that in forever!
  • I love watermelon juice.
  • I think I like iCarly just as much as Kaylee does. 
  • The red headed fox has softball practice tonight so my plan is to finish up my Computer Applications class. That's the plan at least, if it happens or not is a total different story.
  • I've recently developed a love for jalapenos. 
  • I sent the rings off for Janel's craft swap today!  :)
I'll leave you with a random photo of the husband and I back in February....

Oh and don't forget to enter the giveaway! I will be drawing a name tomorrow morning!

Love & Robots,


Unknown said...

I agree with the pollen its just gross :d

Cute picture!



Ashley said...

YAY for passing your final. Ive seen a few girls pics from your area and I cant believe there is that much pollen. I love Teen Mom too and I cant wait for the 2nd season this summer. I heard a rumor they were trying to do Teen Dad show as well. They asked Whitneys fiance Weston to be on it. Do you watch 16&Pregnant as well?

PaperCameraScissor said...

Congrats on the test!! MY sil was just up from North Carolina and she was talking about the same thing. I have no clue but it does not sound good.

I love love MTV 16 and pregnant--tonight is going to be a good one.

I also love the teen mom show--I hope they keep the ones from the last show.

Cute cute pic of you and your hubby! so lucky I look like i have triple chins or my eyes are shut.

love ya---gina